
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Toads in the Hole, Looney Eggs, or Sunny Windows

This is one of Hunky Husaband's favorite breakfasts.

And best of all, it's too easy to make.

The hardest part about it is the name- there seems to be a whole bunch of names for this breakfast. Toad in the Hole (which I think is kind of a gross reference. Toads for breakfast. Ew), Looney Eggs (?)... so I came up with Sunny Windows. I think it's more pleasant than either of the other ones. Any other suggestions?

Here's how it works.

Take a piece of bread and rip a small hole in it. Or if you really need the hole to be uniform and perfect, you could use a small cup to punch out a hole.

Put some butter in a frying pan and wait til it melts. Put the bread into the pan, then crack an egg into the hole!

Wait until the egg is about half cooked, then flip the bread and egg. When the egg is done, it will be a little higher than the bread, and will feel firm when you try to squish it with your flipper.

HH likes it with a little jelly spread on top (which I truly don't understand. I think the bonds of matrimony have a limit when it comes to jelly on fried eggs.) or you could eat it with salsa on top, or dipped in ketchup.. or mustard. Or HOLLANDAISE SAUCE!! Fancy.

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