
Monday, August 27, 2012

2012 Black Hills Vacation! Part One

Okay, so I'm finally going to post about our Black Hills trip this summer (which we got back from a week ago. But whatevs.)

(I kind of hate it when people say "whatevs." Just saying.)

Story Book Time!
HH and LW Present: 
The Black Hills! Summer 2012

 We packed up and Zeke expertly strapped it all down to the motorcycle. Ready to go!!

 It started to look like rain...

 ... so we put on our rain gear! And then it didn't rain.

We stopped for gas and to stretch our sore bums.

The Badlands were beautiful! And very windy. Very very windy. So windy that my helmet was catching the wind and felt like it was going to rip my head off. I didn't get to see too much of the Badlands, because I put my head on Zeke's back most of the way.

 Despite all the wind, we made it to the Black Hills!

 And we made it to our campground!

 We set up our tent (this is the view from our tent), ate supper, and went to sleep.

 The next morning, Zeke went dirt-biking with his brother-in-law, and I went horseback riding with Zeke's brother, JB, and his dad!

Me on a horse. Thinking about the fact that maybe this wasn't such a great idea after being on a motorcycle for eight hours the day before. Hmmm.

 In the afternoon, JB, Zeke's dad, and I went on an hour long four-wheeler ride! As if my bum hadn't had enough. It was really bumpy in places, but I was riding behind JB (who is an excellent four-wheel driver, by the way) and he kept me from completely falling off. We were headed to White Sand.
And this is it! White Sand isn't accessible by car... it's a hike (or four-wheel trek) to get there, and, like many of the beautiful places Zeke and his family visit every year, is definitely not a tourist spot. Which is why these places are so special.

(We'll continue our story later in the week, when I haven't been subbing all day, when I don't have a little headache, and probably after I've made supper. Stay tuned!)

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