
Monday, September 17, 2012


I’ve been MIA for the last couple of days, here! The internet in our building hasn’t been working, which is a bummer, but it’s kind of helping me not to have the distractions that come with it. I’ve gotten a lot done this week already- lots of organizing and reorganizing in our home. We’re getting a new bed tomorrow, which we’ve definitely been looking forward to. Camp was gracious enough to provide us with a mostly-furnished home, but with Zeke’s carpal tunnel and back issues, we really needed to get a new bed.

Our little cabin home has three bedrooms- the master and two smaller rooms. Right now, the two small rooms both have twin beds in them. The back bedroom has one, and the front bedroom has a bunk bed. It’s worked really great for having our siblings come to stay, but there isn’t really anywhere for us to put a couple (like Zeke’s married sisters or our parents). We decided that when we move our bed out, we’d also take the twin bed out of the back bedroom to make a little more space. At the same time, we’ll take the dresser out of the back bedroom, and move the desk from the front to the back.

All that moving around will mean that we’ll be able to “unbunk” the beds in the front bedroom and put them next to each other to make a king-sized bed, and there will be space in the back bedroom for our queen-sized air mattress. It’ll also make the spare bedrooms much less crowded.

This week has also been busy because I’ve started the Live Healthy Iowa Next Step challenge! Our camp put together a team (mostly of just the camp wives) to count our steps and try to get more active. It’s been really fun so far. My step totals have gotten bigger and bigger every day. Making progress! Even so, the other ladies on the team are kind of kicking my butt. Okay, big time kicking my butt. One of them had 32,000 steps in two days! Crazy. It’s a good way to get me moving, though.

On Wednesday, I did an exercise video (it was rainy and cold outside), and yesterday and today I went for nice long walks. The weather has been cool, which makes it nice to walk through the woods or just through my neighborhood. It’s amazing what a mood lifter just getting some exercise can be, and I’ve even noticed that my energy levels have been higher the past two days. I haven’t been subbing (everybody’s healthy, I guess, which is a blessing), but I’m sure that when I do, my step total will go up like crazy!

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