
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fishing in the Dark (What We Did this Weekend)

Our little tiny camper- which we pulled behind the Vibe- hence the hitch in my entryway!

We got to our campsite around 9:30 pm or so (and it was dark, so all these pictures are from Saturday morning, of course).

The "getting to the site at 9:30" thing was not my idea, to be clear.

Maybe you have a husband like mine and can sympathize- a "just one more thing" husband. You know, the ones who find something else they should probably get done just when you were thinking you'd be leaving. And he hasn't even packed! Well, I have one of those husbands, and I also have a "got to talking" husband.

I had planned on getting to the campsite at 6:30 or so. Zeke had different ideas. Not only did he need to move cement after work, but he had to service the Bobcat, and drop off his computer at our friends' house (this friend happens to fix computers- a good network of handy friends is a blessing, but that's another post).

And at the friend's house, Zeke got to talking (for exactly seventeen minutes)... and we were already much later than I had planned, so I was a bit grouchy.

I guess I need to take my own advice and work on growing some fruit (patience in particular)!

We got a marvelous campsite- down right by the beach.

It was very cold when we set up- I wore a long sleeved shirt, a zip-up sweater, another zip-up sweatshirt, and my flannel coat, sitting next to the fire. And shivered the entire time. But my first experience with nighttime fishing made up for it. Did you know you can fish in the dark? I had no idea.

(Sorry about the guts in the picture. Gross.)

We caught this guy and two more of his little bullhead friends ...

... and we ate 'em for breakfast! They were delicious. And Zeke, who didn't bring the right fish-cleaning tools didn't even swear once while using his Leatherman to yank the yuck out of them while running them under freezing cold water in the freezing cold wind. He did grumble a little, though.

But it was worth it.

Because they were yummy.

Zeke had volunteers coming in on Saturday afternoon, so we had to head back around lunch time, but we had a nice time on our first (albeit short) camping trip of the season.

1 comment:

  1. Your trailer is so cute! But I must admit that fish with whiskers freak me out so much I can't have anything to do with them - can catch them, be near them or eat them!
