
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Sand, Sand Everywhere

{Pretty and Happy}

Okay, so not technically sand. But there is sand in the vicinity.


Children always seem to find a way to get the greatest possible volume of sand all over their little bodies. ("Yes! I do want to rub three handfuls of sand in my hair! Definitely!")


Summer time in our household brings lots of sand... into the house. 

Entryway sand, from Tuesday. At noon. (I try to sweep the entryway twice a day in the summer- yes, it's that bad.)

But hey, I'll take a sandy house over a snowstorm any day!


And now for some links and things! 


I'm a huge baby and get super attached to inanimate objects (see post here wherein I cry over a car). I think that may be part of why this post hit home... 

... and I'm gonna have to do this by tonight, because these would be totally perfect for watching fireworks...


Camp totally has my heart these days ... mostly because I.never.leave. 

We bought a new camper (!!) last weekend, which means that this may have been the last camping trip in ye old tiny trailer...

... and we got some news this past week that there will be no Testicle Festival this year. Sad.


Please pray for safety this weekend- there are gonna be tons of people driving their boats around on the lake (yay Fourth of July!)

And also pray for a family in the area who lost their mother- a young mom was riding her bicycle with her 1-year-old and 3-year-old in a carrier, and was hit by a vehicle. She passed away in the hospital- both her children are doing all right. 

Also- say a special prayer for all those who serve our country, and for their families! Their sacrifice has made it possible for us to have the freedoms we enjoy! Thank you!

Thanks to Like Mother Like Daughter (and congrats on the newest addition to the family, ladies! He's beautiful!) and Clan Donaldson!


  1. This made me chuckle. We live on a lake as well, and I can sympathize with the sand. I have them rinse off, take their shoes off on the decks, brush off their legs and clothes, everything, but still the house is full of sand. BUT, it is better than being stuck in a snowstorm, for sure!
